bardia نوشته است:
والا تا اونجایی که من میدونم و یکی از صمیمی ترین دوستام توی شرکت اکتشافات کار میکنه سیستم Siesmic بر اساس ایجاد یک موج لرزشی در لایه های سطحی (بوسیله انفجار) و نفوذ اون توی زمین و بازتابش به سطح هستش که اطلاعات این امواج رو ذخیره میکنند و برای تهیه نقشه 3 بعدی از لایه های زیرین خاک به یکی از معدود شرکتها که قویترینشون کانادایی هست میفرستند.و اصلا هیچ ربطی به ماهواره و اینجور مسائل نداره.
این طول موج رو شما از کجا آوردی من نمیدونم و ربط همه چیزهایی که ادعا کردی با اسکن ماهواره ای و متصدی و ....
لطفا درمورد چیزهایی که تخصص ندارید اظهار نظر نکنید
برید بیشتر مطالعه کنید و چرت و پرت تحویل مردم ندید
به نظر مي آد شما نه تنها آدم بي دقتي هستيد آدم بي ادبي هم تشريف داريد.
شما قبل از اظهار فضل در مورد پست هاي ديگران لطفا يه كم دقت كنيد ببينيد چي نوشته شده بعد نظر گراميتون را بفرمائيد. من كجاي پستم نوشتم كه از siesmic تو ماهواره استفاده ميشه؟؟؟؟!!! در كنار استفاده از siesmic طي چند دهه اخير از قابليت هاي ماهواره هم در اين زمينه استفاده ميشه. توي اين 15 سالي كه من كارم تحقيق بوده و پست هاي زيادي تو سايت هاي forum از جمله treasurenet و geotech به اشتراك گذاشتم شما نيازي نيست ديگران رو تشويق به مطالعه كنيد. يه كم در مورد Remote sensing تحقيق كن. اگه مطالب ذيل رو هم يه نگاه بندازي بد نيست. يه كم هم در مورد ماهواره ALOS مطالعه بفرماييد.
منبع: and Gas Exploration and Production
The most established market in remote sensing is in the area of natural resources in exploration of oil, gas, and minerals. Satellite and airborne Remote Sensing technology aids in the selection and development of oil and gas exploration areas around the World as well as in the areas of oil spill mitigation and remediation. Through geological and geophysical seismic interpretation and use of orthorectified satellite images, it provides insight on the selection of areas to plan 2D or 3D seismic surveys for an exploration drilling program as well as aiding in the process of environmental and operational safety hazards to minimize the HSE risks. There is currently no other technology that matches or exceeds the capabilities of remote sensing and its necessity in the oil industry.
Remote sensed satellite images of large exploration areas can give project managers a birds-eye view of exploration, environmental monitoring of producing fields without being present, assessment of facilities, pipeline corridor planning, emergencies and hazards which can reveal potential risks for sensitive areas. Over time these events and variables can be tracked with SIC's satellite imaging subscription program, creating a history of the project for up-to-date and future environmental analysis. This provides local government authorities and controlling agencies with ongoing information on environmental issues and project monitoring within the operational areas.
With management experience of over 40 years both on and off the field in the global oil and gas exploration, production (E&P) and engineering, construction (E&C) industries, Satellite Imaging Corporation (SIC) has a unique understanding of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Geodetic requirements for accurate seismic and well coordinate databases and mapping needs. By working with reliable geospatial data, oil and gas exploration managers, geologists, geophysicists, engineers, project managers, corporate decision makers, and field personnel can make project critical decisions in a timely manner and reduce the overall exploration and development costs.
Oil and gas exploration activities for large areas require airborne magnetic or ground gravity surveys to facilitate detailed geological interpretations for subsurface features. By utilizing orthorectified high resolution satellite image data and Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) generated from Stereo Satellite or Airborne sensors, SIC delivers detailed computer visualization environments for desktop programs such as ArcGIS 9.x with Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst with DSM/DEM posting intervals from 3m to 90m.